Monday, 17 September 2012

The Call To Greatness

The Call To Greatness

David is an interesting character in the word of God. In his early youth, he started fighting and killing bears and lions in his youth. This is someone who started developing himself in the secret places of life. The Bible says a something very profound about David, that he was a man after Gods own heart. I started thinking about this and realise that David was not content with just being an ordinary Christian person. He strived for excellence and greatness. The Bible says that David waxed greater and greater. 1Ch_11:9  So David waxed greater and greater: for the LORD of hosts was with him. (KJV). The word greatness has a very wide meaning, it means amongst many things to have a high degree of something; as the greatness of virtue, high rank or place; elevation; dignity; distinction; eminence; power; command. This word also means greatness of mind, given to study and wisdom. A quote says virtue is the only solid basis of greatness. Someone defined virtue in one word, excellence. We as youth can only wax great if we put in hard work and dedication. David’s growth was not an automatic growth towards greatness. He had to toil in sweat. One distinct feature of David’s greatness is found in his boldness. As a youth, he challenge little giants, and when a big giant named Goliath came, David stood his ground and overcame the defying enemy. One feature that pushed David to a place of greatness was the overwhelming presence of God in his life. The Bible clearly states that the Lord of Host was with him. Prayer, Bible reading and studying in our early youth days strengthens us to grow in God’s grace. To be able to be man and woman of God in our youth, we must be able to develop discipline in all this areas, even areas of giving and pledging. The kingdom of God is dynamic, it is on the move, we must pray and seek a way and place in which we can grow and reach greatness. Ordinary men are content with small territory, visionary man like David expand and become greater and greater in influence.

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