Friday, 23 November 2012

The Youth in Pictures

Every Saturday (unless something comes in the way) The Radical Indispensable Youth gather at the Immanuel Shifidi High School hall for the youth services. After it's dismissed, fellowship with the brethren begins..

In The Spotlight:Youth Drama Ministry

Uazuva, Avril and Wilburd in action
The youth drama ministry is composed of vibrant Christian youth and it was established in late 2010 in the beginning of the entire youth ministry. They perform various skits, plays and do outreaches at schools mainly high schools across Windhoek. They are currently under the leadership of Avril Kulman who recently took over as leader. With their "fun to watch" acting abilities, God is ministering to other youths via this ministry!

Below: Pictures of the youth drama ministers during practice.

From Left: Anna, Avril and Wilburd acting


Play acting as a church

Live in action

A church robbery

Looting a church

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Youth Service with Pastor Antonio (20/10/2012)

Pastor Antonio Kashaka preached a sermon for the youth on the 20th October 2012. The youth came out in number once again (140 people). The title of the sermon was "Extra Oil" where he encouraged the youth to remain filled with the Holy Ghost. The youth choir sang two songs and at the end of the service 4 youth gave their lives to Jesus. Glory to God!

Pastor Antonio

Pastor Antonio preaching
