Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Youth Service Held Outside on Saturday (06/10/2012)

This was the Saturday that Pastor Antonio Kashaka was supposed to preach for the youth, but unfortunately the hall we use for our worship services was being used for other activities that were out of our control. Nevertheless, the kingdom of God keeps on advancing, and the youth improvised a venue outside of the hall.

Leiden preached a sermon entitled "Dancing With My Father" a powerful message on missing fathers and more. Few souls got saved and some rededicated their lives back to the Lord. The Youth Choir also sang a song titled "Wait On The Lord" encouraging the youthful saints to wait on the Lord in their particular situations. What a glorious afternoon, praise Jesus!

(NB! Pastor Antonio will still preach for the youth on the 20th of October 2012)

*Below are the pictures:
Hilarius, the assistant to the leader, giving the announcements

Confidence playing the keyboard

Avril playing the drums

Victorino playing the guitar

Leiden (Youth Leader) preaching 

The tenors of the youth choir singing "Wait On The Lord"

The Altos of the youth choir singing "Wait On The Lord"

Some of the sisters of the youth choir singing

The youth listening to the preaching

The youth during praise and worship

From the back: Praising and worshiping Jesus!

From the front: Praising and worshiping Jesus!